Here are two sprite ideas. The one on the left i did use the default skeleton sprite to make it. Will probably make a new one for it later unless you really like this one. It is called the skeleton thief. The one on the right is a dark spirit which are the weakest minions of the Dark Lord's Spirit which I plan to be a legendary or a boss for part of the story.
I just got a great idea! We can make 2 sprites for every enemy, legendary, and hero. We would make a overworld sprite which would be 16x16 and a battle sprite that would be 32x32. Legendaries would also have a 32x32 sprite for battle but have something special about them so you know that they are legendaries.
Hey Stinger, have you added anything else to the game after you gave me the key? I have been enjoying your game alot and would like to know if you updated it.
Ok, do you want 16x16 character sprites or bigger? If it is 16x16 i can make the sprites at a descent speed, but my sprite making will be slowed and a lot difficult the more bigger they are.
I could maybe help with spriting to. You can look at my game called oneshot to see the logo, gun, sight, and gun ammo i made. The soldier is a default sprite (I got lazy). Plus my new game called Alien attack is almost finished and all the sprites in it were made by me.