New Major Update For Alphadog:
•Added System Check Program
•Made it so when a program is done, it reloads Alphadog
•Added date to the Alphadog loading screen
SmileBASIC tip 1:
Use GOSUB then @(Text) to jump from one section of code to the label.
If you don't understand, Just look at the example. If you type it in then run it, it will go to the label then go to the other label, so it keeps repeating the code, making it print the same words every time.
Alphadog OS
Alphadog is a program that can operate other programs and games. Updates (Or added programs) will be on seperate posts. (Current update has only Calculator program)
First upload: calculator. It is a normal calculator where you type a number for operation, then type the numbers for your answer. Tune in the post for updates and comment if there is any errors or bugs.