Aaah, this isn't lazer wars!
Lazer wars is a game that I found from someone else.
This is a cruddy 'game' I made when I first started programming, that I was workin on with a friend, and was just shaaring it with him.
Also, I'm pretty good with graphic design, and could help you out with your title screen, and perhaps sprites duking it out below the information areas
well, have you heard of this game called Lazer Wars?
The mechanics are pretty simple, you and another player are both in your own ship, and you try to blast each other with lazers. Maybe, you could do something like that, but with an AI, and if you hit it, you get points. The more points you have at the end, the better prize you get, and said prize could be used in the actual battle.
Sorry, Here's what it might look like in the code.
A hello
the A in 'A hello' stands for print, which was assigned to it in the previous line of code.
So Nate, I've begun experimenting with single lines of code, and I was wondering if you could assign the command "LOCATE" a variable that could be used in a line of code.