I opened the code and it said what I wrote. Did you forget to save?
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Day's going well! Thanks for asking! Yes, I'd love to make the sprite animated. That was discussed in Beginner's Lesson 10, but I didn't understand it. Now let's move on to the elephant in the room, the picture above. Download that project and read the code! ;-)
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How do I get the costumes from the previous posts? :-/
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The key is 3 posts under mine in comments.
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Wow! My New Nintendo 3DS has turned into a Windows 7 Computer! :0
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Komodo! Long time no see *snickers*. Somone made Mario Maker on here so I think a Mario&Luigi RPG is possible!
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OHMYGOODNESS! You would not believe how much money I spent on that beaver home game! It paid off when I got a computer game! :3
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My goals are to make it so enemies spawn randomly, the time you're alive is your score, and there needs to be a background. But for now, I'm happy! I feel like a rocket-scientist! :3
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Komodo, Komodo! Good news! I was persistent and added my own sprites! Now that I have more options, I changed it into a witch (Key in picture)!
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I'm gonna go play Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heros for a little while. See ya!
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Where I live it's sleeting and snowing so it was cancelled today. ;-)
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I uploaded the project, it's in review!
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Well this is a start! There are a few things I want to add;
•GameOver Screen
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Alright. I'll try to make something cool... I'll keep watching PetitProfessor3D's videos.
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UUGGGH! That guy's videos didn't help AT ALL! I don't even know how to make a character walk around, LET ALONE A ROOM! I'm sorry but until I see some better tutorials, I give up.
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