no i did not make this game so no key
0そうだね プレイ済み
how do i make a sprite that looks like a finger pointing up that you can move around with 'only the circle pad'

:P this is not what the post is about:P
1そうだね プレイ済み
any body have a key for 'ûñďėřłąĺė'

theres a demo version with boss:1 and 2 fases for boss:1
fase:1 fase:2 hmmmm i fergot the public keys for each fase but your in luck i wrote them down on a piece of paper but i have so many pieces of paper with public keys on them i think i know the right one if not then scroll down through the posts then you might see the keys for fase:1 and fase:2
0そうだね プレイ済み
a game were your a figure shooting blood in the sky to kill monsters
0そうだね プレイ済み
you know you've defeated a fase when the screen freezes and your character can still move

fase:1 for boss:1 complete now theres a new random word made of blood

do you want fase:1 or fase 2 im in fase:2 right now

grandad overlord!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!

fase:1 those 2 faces are never going up

not:i almost its:im almost[ignore the i]

actually thats blood all over the wall this means i almost done fighting fase:2 on boss:1

the x minions have been putting red x traps every were when i cant reach them now theres a bloody word on the screen its impossible to read this is only happens in the full version

the big red word is icidon1111

the big red word is:icicon111
