Doing this on a grp editor on the other hand...

Remade the logo. The one up top has a color selection that makes it trippy. A pal of mine pointed that out.

All right! Looks like we have a winner! I have an idea how to make the sprites, but I'm gonna need some help on animating them. Stay tuned for more content!
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This was a cryptogram? Probably took forever to solve.
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Whichever Concept gets the most likes, will become the final controls in the game, no exceptions.
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Control Concept B:
Two Punch and Kick Buttons
Optional Jump and Block button setting in options.
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Control Concept A:
One Punch and Kick Button
(It's basically Virtua Fighter Controls, but with a Jump Button)
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Okay. I have been thinking about the controls. And it's literally giving me a headache. I need you guys to help prevent a headache of no return. Which control concept is best? I'll post the idea in the comments.

I'm not gonna cancel it. I'm just putting it on hold for a bit until I get the character made. It's not easy to make the sprites.
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So BORED... I made a book to keep my sanity.

@Cris I did. I've had it for 3 years. And I still have it. Along with a storybook program.
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Here are 3 control styles for Rakugaki Brawl. Which one do you like? Comment below.

I played and tried out the petit computer game. It's pretty cool. only thing is you have to find games and such online.
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New control idea for Rakugaki Brawl. It might be a little wonk, but people have played fighting games without a fight stick. So what do you think?

A demo is a good way to start. You have to admit.
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I'll admit that things take time, like my games. So, the development time is more or less important depending on the date of release.
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