...also made since, so once again I said sure. Then he said do you want any games. I had completely forgot about getting a game for it. I said Breath of The Wild. Then I realized how much money i had just spent...
It is scary.
I planned to just go into Gamestop and preorder the Switch. I didn't't even have money for that, but I was worried that they would run out of preorders. When I walked in and said I wanted to preorder the Switch, the cashier said that I should get a screen protector. I thought that made since, so I said sure. Then he said that I should get a charger for the handheld version of the system. That...
Did I seriously just do that!? I just spent over $400 on a Switch. I just preordered a Switch, a screen protector, a charger, and Breath of The Wild... with my brothers money. Now I owe my brother $65. My receipt got messed up and it said that I spent $999.99 on Breath of The Wild. That was confusing.
Please tell me your thoughts or suggestions about this problem. As always I like your feedback. It really helps me out to hear other people's opinions.
...interested in the game, if you can even call it that right now. It is more of a practice with coding than a game. The Switch is also scheduled to release in March and its January. When the Switch releases my use of the 3DS will go down even more, if I even use it at all after that. That is all I have to say for now. Thank you for the support many of you have already given me and sorry.
Hello Memeverse! I'm once again back. This time I'm using a tablet that I have for myself which means I can be online more often. The Kidnap is not that good nor is it anywhere near being completed. I'm terrible at coding and don't know how to do much of the things I would like to. I need help, but not having internet on my 3DS will make that a big problem. I also doubt that anybody is still...
...Where am I? It's dark and cold... Where's the internet? It's all around me, but I can't have any...it's torture. Because of this terrible fate, I have not been on often. I will not be on for awhile after this. I'm using someone else's phone. I only have a small amount of time to be on here. Goodbye again Miiverse. May we meet again some day...
The game is about 1 minute and 33 seconds long. If I get a decent amount of time, it should be finished by december. I'll try my best to get it out sooner though.
Sorry, it's not done yet, and I will not release it until it is complete or mostly complete. I don't really have alot of time to work on it though. I have work and school's going to be starting back up soon. But I promise that I'll keep working on it. Please keep in mind that this is my first game and it is mostly text based.
Wow, a real life kidnap in my area! Just look at the bright side, perfect inspiration for my game. If I get enough information, this might just help the game move along faster. Oh, sorry to the family of the kid. I hope you find your kid soon. That would also help me find a better ending for the game too.
PLEASE MAKE ROOM FOR THE GREAT AND POWERFUL KING NOOB. *trumpets play* How do I load backgrounds and scroll them? *croud cheers* THE GREAT AND POWERFUL KING NOOB HAS SPOKEN!