What The Tool Actually Outputs

国 | アメリカ |
誕生日 | 非公開 |
ゲームの腕前 | 中級者 |
利用したゲーム機 | Wii U/ニンテンドー3DS |
フレンド | 0/100 |
フォロー | 3 |
フォロワー | 16 |
投稿数 | 27 |
そうだね数 | 24 |
取得日時 |
●12/22/17● Hey, everybody! It's Lonestar. I got my 2DS :D Now that I got a Wii U, I can stay in touch again! I'll be back to making SmileBASIC games once again! A Wii U version of SmileBASIC came out in Japan and will be heading to the U.S. soon! I can't imagine coding with a keyboard!! Have fun out there, and don't forget! "A day without video games is a day wasted."