I call it: The Foolish Princess! Yes! I'm taking a break from the Endless War and creating this game. A demo will be released soon! It takes advantage of how bad humans are at multitasking. You move 1 character with the stick, another with A,B,Y, and X. All the while, you attack with touch controls!
I've noticed that lots of people are sending out X-mas package presents so, I'm releasing my own. The key's in the screenshot. The main thing inside is my The Endless War Demo! It's REALLY short, but is much better than the old one. Have fun and tell me what'd ya think below! Thanks!
Working on a 3D-ish engine. It's REALLY simple using SPOFS and SPSCALE. I made the back wall, but I have NO idea on how I could make the diagonal side walls. (What I mean is, if the sprite were to walk up to the wall, they stop moving. I know things like IF X<23 THEN X=23.) How do I make diagonal collision? Any ideas?
Does anybody (I'm sure someone does,) know how to make a scene where the screen is black except in a small circle? I tried using a giant SPSCALEed sprite, but it looked bad. Is there another way?
"Young one... Your world is on the brink of war! Awaken! Follow your destiny! The future of the World Depends on it!"
- Liv
My next demo will be in honor of Quote's "A Friend's Tale". There will be somethin' special...:D
I know what your thinking:
Well, this one is MUCH better than any of the last. It includes 1 Boss RPG turnbased battle! Please play and tell me what you think!