had to abandon smile monsters :( didnt have enough room on the sprite sheet so i went back to the legend of sion i am making it a rpg instead of a top down and using some of the turn based techniques that i used in smile basic.

can you put up a tutorial so i can understand it like put comments on how you did it and why it works i realy want to learn how to do this?

i would use that name with respect if i were you :(
1そうだね プレイ済み
i get the first number and 3rd and 4th but can't get the 2nd can you just tell me what it is?
0そうだね プレイ済み
happy birthday sorry i missed it i have been doing tons of school and work latly meaning no time for games or programming :( but will start it up again soon. i now have the random encounter formula working so it sends you into battle :)
0そうだね プレイ済み
grass fire and dragon are my favorites :) gtg talk to you tomorow I could use a fire type.
0そうだね プレイ済み
what do you mean. like where each monster shows up or what?
0そうだね プレイ済み
thank you. grass type please? and here nate this is how i detect what is underneath my character play around with the x and y concordants a little for other stuff like infront,behind...... then set the variable upstop(or whatever) to true if the collision is true(other wise false) then in your walking loop make it so that when you try going in the direction it wont let you intill upstop is false.

check it out I now can detect when I am in tall grass and have it look as if the character is walking through tall grass awesome! now to put in random encounters :)

sure but probably tomorrow.ok? a ghost type please,
1そうだね プレイ済み