with minor ajustments i make a test title screen

Haven't fixed the editor grid yet, but I got the numerical keyboard to work. If you type backspace until the minimum value for a field is reached, typing will replace the first number, then will add on as if typing text. It keeps the value in range too. Next is the alphabetical keyboard!

Exotic Butters

collision between player and objects test complete and successful! now if im really lucky bullets will be a simple sp% but im guessing it wont be..

yeah not working so its probably something to do with the way the sprite is used..

AfterWar map type voting.
so ill enter i few ideas- your welcome to add your own!
1: map with different terrains that link together with normal collision and spawned items and buildings. -linked by changing saved maps when at border.
2:auto generated glitchy thingy which is hard 2 make.
3: map that is only 1 map at a time with paths to other places +listed stuff in 1st one.

so ill be making the weapon setup types, like shotgun being short range large scattered fire, ak being fast, sniper slow reload but fast bullet and strong.
and gatling gun being a ton of bullets with slightly lowered damage.
im waiting for a response as to my damage question.
anyways im gonna maybe make a test thingy for people to make custom guns! gonna be really cool.

ZERO HOUR FACT: Like Corruption Dragon's theme being a remix of the 1999 title theme, Bizarre's theme is an extended remix of this game's title theme, when you find him in Destroyed Building, Corruption Dragon's Lair or The Pit III.

so bottom screen test here.
rate it maybe or tell me what to improve?
