i havent played this game for a long time and i dont know what im doing

Help with arrays..
ive learned many things in coding, but one thing i havent learned about yet is arrays, if someone could just take some time and explain the basics to me that would be overly awesome, maybe say what they're useful for the most.
thanks in advance!

Im going to add one more thing in Marsman beta 0.4. Any ideas?

hmm... trust worthy cabin there lol.

Parallax sprite movement works jujuj.
The thing is that the sprite movement is more smoother than the background movement, so the sprites would look out of place.
And before you ask. runs at 60fps.

Marsman beta 0.4 is released! It has A start of a tower, smoother and improved jumping engine, a door that can be unlocked, and a start to an npc.

just to clarify, is this the correct way to do it?

Any projects are done?
Since I don't have Petit Computer so I can play my Mega Man 2 ;-; is there any projects done but Nyna Cat ( I think that how to spell it :3 )?

I found a pretty odd behavior: This program will put a spot on coordinates where the screen is touched.
The thing is that the spot will appear on coordinates that where taken BEFORE the program is executed. For example: If you touch the spacebar and run the program, the spot will appear on the spacebar area.

a little something i made, (sorry you cant see it all) for my game.

*helping anyone in need of coding help*/freely talk here/helping give game ideas/anything. discussion#1
this is a multipurpose discussion!
i will respond relatively fast depending on the time (e.g. from 1pm to 3am)
if you need coding help comment here,
if you need ideas for your game, comment here.
if you want to talk, comment here! -please
if i didn't list why your here, comment here.

anyone can rate this, from 1 to 10.
does it look good?

I played with Petit Computer today.
I made it say "HELLO" and then went back to SmileBASIC.
