Soul.exe Is Not A Game But Animation As Well

How do you make a chain of sprites move around like a snake? I want the chain (worm) to move around like the worms in Slither io.
5そうだね プレイ済み
I fiddle around with some commands for a bit and came up with this! What should I do with it?

I haven't been working on this much lately, but I finished the 'add channel' menu! That is, the interface part of it - without the ability to place notes, and with the buttons and sliders not yet functional, it's pretty useless right now...

this has to be the best thing i have found in coding..D boy is my great friend and we have known eachother for a looooooong time!
i gotta show him this..
also #illuminaticonf.

So ive been attempting too make a 3D plane and create a 2D plane environment for a possible future game, 2K18 BASIC edition. As you can tell ive made a cross section, yet i run into trouble when i try and add a layer...

Games like "Undertale"
Do you have a public key for games like "Undertale"? please tell me.
6そうだね 未プレイ