***Agaro - Agario 3ds update***** Key in Picture.
still working on it, figured an update might need to be released sooner. Next update will be released between today and march 1st.

I had a problem with my little text adventure, but I managed to fix it. All it took was a simple While command and the problem was gone. It's gonna be a while before I ever do anything big on here.

That was a close battle, but orange team won!

Shopping Madness, New Game, Need Help
Hello everybody, my name is Soren, and I am president here at MadnessGamesDeluxe, or MGD for short. Today I would like to talk to you about my new game, SHOPPING MADNESS. We need YOUR HELP for SHOPPING MADNESS to happen! Please comment if you are interested.
4そうだね 未プレイ
HELP how do i defeat the giant roch..?

What if we gamify learning SmileBASIC?
QBasic on PC was my first language years ago so I'm already familiar, but here is my idea. What if we made a game where you are programming in some scenario, like a robot or something. As you progress in the game, it exposes more commands. The idea is that you are playing a game and learning SmileBASIC at the same time!
5そうだね プレイ済み
PONG 3D now has (generaly) stable local multiplayer. Yon need 2 systems each with SmileBASIC and PONG 3D. Of course, you can always verse the CPU or get a highscore in Wall Ball. KEY: 55E43W8E

I'm on a highway! Yeah!
(Langton's Ant Automaton)

Hi right now i dont have this app but i well get it and relase it but dont espect the game to come out this month as i need to get at least good at makeing games on this app. So here are the thinhs that will be in the game hopefully. Charectrs: Vinny , Joel , Rev , Grand Dad , Bonzi Buddy, , Sponge. Everything else is unplanned.
3そうだね 未プレイ
I have good news. The translation patch is almost done! I have heavily rebalanced the entire game, so it almost feels like a new game. Not only that, you also get the original version with it when it comes out on the servers.

Toy Casino V.2 has been uploaded. It now includes 3 games - Russian Roulette, Slots, and High-Low. There may still be some bugs, please tell me if you find anything. Suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.

My gawd this looks like the actual game. Time to get on the train to SCREEEEEEEEEEEEeee town

Can some please help me turn this engine into a textured open world 3d map? I'll post the key for it if someone is willing to help.

Graphics are getting good so far...

It gives me the error, "OUT OF MEMORY 0:7" I'm trying to use arrays.

Is there an easier way to make text appear letter by letter? Please tell.

Recruitting for Elite Gamers!
Elite Gamers is a Smile basic group where programmers from all around join together to make awesome games!
Projects Currently Working On:
Monterra Heroes: The World Beneath
Toon Fighters
Join now to be an Elite Gamer!

Gatinsky loaded. having some issues with SPANIM but will get the hang of it.
