This game has two main characters, a thief named Lily and her familiar Chako. Chako can attack as well by holding up and pressing Y

my game is coming along realy well :)

New 1.2 update of the quest, try out now!
(Instructions are not updated)

I really don't get the SPSET code line. Whenever you try to do a SPOFS it will say a syntax error. Even when you touch the question mark on the bottom screen it will say "If usee before SPSET, error will occur. Please Help ANYONE!! I don't know how i'm gonna code if I cant set up a sprite! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0そうだね プレイ済み
Has anyone achieved Nintendo 64 graphics yet? It would be a big achievement on the graphic department if someone has. The best I've seen so far is star fox graphics for the super SNES.

I need the action of line 2250 to show up on the screen. Any Help?

Smilebasicsource Tutorial - Part 2: Long but proper simple to work code.

are there animtronics and are thw nights endless

SmileBASICsource Tutorial Part 2: Benchmark mode 200 ships, 100 stars. 45 FPS

Update of my simple program ClockZ v.2.0
Composed of digital clock in upper screen and analog clock in lower screen.
sun/moon rises and sets at the upper screen and it continues to revolve on the lower screen.
Enjoy! Download key: ZBVEENAV
