How do I load a sprite and move it with a button?
3そうだね プレイ済み
How do I make an animation??? And how do I apply it to control my sprite?
3そうだね プレイ済み
Or, "How do you spell a word?"
1. Put the right letters together
2. "A W-O-R-D"
3. Sound it out
4. Make a guess
0そうだね 未プレイ
Question: How do you spell the one word that is not in the dictionary?
Answer: "T-h-e o-n-e w-o-r-d t-h-a-t i-s n-o-t i-n t-h-e d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y"
1そうだね 未プレイ