I'm not sure if I want to download the update after all these complaints lol.
0そうだね プレイ済み
There's not many people here that have 2 ds's, I know a few but I don't know if they would want to help.
0そうだね プレイ済み
I should start posting more often to get to 100 before miiverse ends.
0そうだね プレイ済み
That's just a warning for when it actually happens on November 9th (maybe 7th, I forgot)
0そうだね プレイ済み
Whoooooohhooooooo! Wait, a minute...AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

*Gasp*, you lost a follower... Ho-how can this be?
0そうだね プレイ済み
SmileBASIC wouldn't be able to support any game even close to SSBM, which was on gamecube. As far as I know, there are none.
0そうだね プレイ済み
12me21 made one. He'll probably the key comment sooner or later.
1そうだね プレイ済み
So I've been working on the Pause menu, and I finally got the results I was looking for! In the picture, the four sprites will go in a criss-cross pattern around the option you're currently on. It will look a lot better when I add it to the game.

It's at the home screen of miiverse if you want to see the official post.
0そうだね プレイ済み
I notice a bit of curvature for your head. That must be painful.
0そうだね プレイ済み
Eh, I've already known that for a while now lol.
0そうだね プレイ済み
how many blocks is a regular map from the smile tool?
0そうだね プレイ済み
Umm, it looks like the only people that will stay on the team are me, J.P/cipher, jack, random guy, and warrior. if you are staying and am making an SBS account, please tell me soon.
0そうだね プレイ済み