Definitely not the flappy bird you're used to! (Unfinished)
The screen shakes and flashes white when this happens.
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Updated version of my TESTS folder! (Key in picture) 3 programs, each no more than 10 lines and each line is not bigger than the screen width.
Fun challenge! I enjoy doing these :D
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Another little game I made that is under 10 lines!
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Not the cleanest code of mine but I like the colors!
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Progress! ai got 228! (Does anyone care? Maybe I should stop posting these.)
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Flappy bird AI improving! (One bird got to 100!)
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Gave the birds ai and made 100 of them!
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Well the ground disappeared but at least now I have a working score GUI on a BG layer!
(Graphics temporary)
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Heres a folder of 2 little programs I made, each under 10 lines long. One is a game, the other is a cool effect :)
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please give your honest opinion on this background... I'm really not sure.
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Copying sprites by hand is so annoying sometimes.
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My nose is stuck in the floor!
(Graphics still temporary)
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Here's a small game I made that is only 10 lines long and doesn't exceed the screen width :)
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3D is in! Background parallax scrolling on the Graphic layer in! (I just can't show that here)
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Temporary background and floor :p
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