so i changed him a little bit, i made ear, eye and nose smaller and changed the mouth
8そうだね プレイ済み
Area of play?
The spaceship doesn't collide with the blue background on the right due to XMAX stopping it. Other then BGGET is there a way for the spaceship not to go over the blue on the left? I.e is there a way to shrink the play area?
0そうだね プレイ済み
Désoler pour le problème de la clé de La Version MLG de Donjon TAKEN j'ai retrouver la vrai clé: LR7XW33J pour etre sur j'ai un screen.
9そうだね プレイ済み
mon animal préféré
bjr a tous je m'appelle Élisa et je vous propose un petit concours vous allez devoir trouver mon animal préféré 1er : je m'abonne
3そうだね 未プレイ
329 ligne de code juste pour fair un combat tour par tour ...
18そうだね プレイ済み
miiverse will end soon and i don't know what to say... it's just really sad... i really liked miiverse! goodbye miiverse, we'll never forget you
25そうだね プレイ済み
is it possible to load a file without dialogue?
8そうだね プレイ済み
Spread it!
24そうだね 未プレイ
Miiverse is ending!
On November 8, 2017, Miiverse will officially be shut down. Unfortunately, that means you can't upload screenshots for your programs anymore, and you can't share your programs, right?
Wrong. Enter SmileBASIC Source. It's a good resource for program keys and it even has a relatively large community! SmileBASIC programs don't rely on Miiverse to operate!
12そうだね 未プレイ
K2KPaint 1.0.4 released.
Fixed some untranslated parts.
9そうだね プレイ済み