ok found minor bug. so made overlay for bg layer 1 to cover over lap of video playing on left of screen for so reason, thinking to make tree look like wind blowing at it and make butterflys move around in next test. 4th test is to move the play screen as it does all, hope it works right first time as I planed it too, but it probably won't the first time! should be able to move freely, sprite base.
does gcopy have a cetain range?
because some of my spawned cactuses are getting chopped down here.. and if so is there any way around it?
but i got rocks and cactuses to spawn in the dessert and i might make some locations to go to such as buildings
Adventures of Stickman Beta Version 1 is coming tomorrow! Im releasing it tomorrow because it's my birthday. The beta will be from the beginning to the first boss, Swarmis (actual boss fight might not be in beta version 1)
So as stated before this is an open world zombie type game with guns and lots of stuff.
its fairly early development so theres not too much done, but its going very well.
Elijah, Jacob and loading... are helping and a few others too, open to ideas but please no spam or useless things.
anyone is welcome to help.
SmileBASIC has too many limitations. This is one of the reasons that my endeavor to create a game in SmileBASIC is ending. I may work on my RPG here and there, but right now I am teaching my friend how to code using BASIC. I will also be moving to Unity 2D and 3D, along with C#. If I can come up with a good enough game (the dream!) I may sell it on STEAM. Thanks for your time, and goodbye for now.
Unfortunately, the ribbon cable connector for the touch screen of my old 3ds has broken when I tried to fix the A button. Since Nintendo doesn't support old 3ds repairs, I will need a new one. Hopefully the closest time I can get a new system is by Christmas. I can't work on Lasership until then.